It’s Time to Wake Up

Now that we have all had our time to individually “freak out” and try to adjust to the new reality that we are living through, many are asking what happens next? It’s obvious that the way we had been conducting the business of being human beings together on this planet has come to a screeching […]

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Why Your Estate Planning May Fall Short

For a lot of people, an estate plan begins and ends with the signing of a last will and testament. The best thing about a basic will is it requires you to at least think about who would get what when you die. That said, it is a place to start, not a plan. Estate […]

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Embracing Longer Life with Love and Planning

Advances in healthcare and personal wellness have prolonged the life expectancy of our generation beyond all those preceding us. The majority knows that we should plan for retirement and for what should happen when we die. Frighteningly few, however, are prepared for the “longevity bonus” we will experience. We get more years on earth, but […]

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Facing a Crisis or a Slow Decline in Elderhood: Either Way, Planning Can Make a Difference

As an elder law and estate-planning attorney, I typically see two types of families: those facing an immediate crisis and those observing the gradual decline of a loved one. In both situations, feelings of concern and making decisions regarding the appropriate level of care can be overwhelming, as can the financial and legal implications that accompany these […]

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Holiday Check-in

Holiday family gatherings are not just good for catching up; they are an ideal time to check up on your older loved ones’ status and needs. Certain clues can reveal a decline in abilities and a potential need for more help. Below are some red flags to look out for: Physical Appearance and Household Cleanliness: […]

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The Five Essential Elements of a Longevity Plan

Devising a longevity plan is critical if you want to enjoy the last part of your life. Give yourself the gift of finally enjoying the fruits of a life well-lived. With planning, you can create a future you will look forward to. A longevity plan removes the fear of leaving your loved ones with the burden of selecting and […]

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Five Reasons You Need a Longevity Plan

Most of us know the importance of saving for retirement. Furthermore, good estate planning can ensure that assets are transferred correctly at death. However, many fail to plan for the “bonus years” — typically between the ages of 80 and 95 — when our bodies begin to slow down and questions begin to arise such as: […]

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Longevity Planning: A Way to Love Being Older

What is Longevity Planning and why is it important now? Compared to our relatives who died only a generation ago, we can expect to experience a “longevity bonus” of 20 to 30 years. That is, we will live a lot longer than most of us plan for. At 54, I am just starting to feel […]

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Going Out Like We Come In

I have been thinking that for people who live into their 80s and 90s, there are many similarities between the first few years of life and the last few they will experience on Earth. These two periods seem to be our “transitional times.” The first is when we come into our physical form. The second […]

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Find Your Golden Buddha

What is more important: having money left over when you die, or knowing that your life meant something? I meet with people every day to discuss their money and how to best preserve their assets. Many of us spend our careers focusing on people’s money. Most people do not have a plan to use all […]

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